Movies, motion graphics, and animations

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why does everyone love them?

Movies, motion graphics, and animations

What types of video exist and where can you use them? How can using video enrich your product and make it more attractive? And why does your business need video? You’ll find the answers to all these questions in this article.

On Youtube alone, people watch over a billion hours of video – every day. But the Internet is so much bigger than Youtube. According to Statista, 27,2% of respondents watch more than 10 hours of videos per week. And as the Cisco Forecast informs us, 3 trillion minutes (5 million years) of video content will cross the Internet each and every month of 2021. That’s 1.0 million minutes of video streamed or downloaded every second.

Why is video so popular? 

First of all, they are way easier to consume than text – we don’t need to use our imagination or make an effort to change letters into words, then into sentences, and then think about all of these in a particular context. Video provides it all on a silver platter.

The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station

With sound and moving images, video is also engaging and seems closer. When the Lumiere brothers showed their movie “The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station,” way back in 1895, viewers started to scream and jump out of harm’s way because they were convinced the train bearing down on the screen was actually going to hit them. Probably no one ever ran away because of a book. 

What can we find in a big bag we called videos?

But what has changed since “The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station” in video production? A better question would be, what has not? In the following section you’ll find information about a few of those changes and how you can use them while creating video content for the Internet. 


If there are people and real scenography in a video, however short or long it may be, and it was shot with a camera, the video is a movie.  Movies are the best approach if you need to show your physical product, like, for example, hotels. At Tooploox we use a movie to show our office and the fantastic atmosphere we’ve worked to create. 

Movies are also a great way to show real people, for example, to show what clients say about a product or for interviews with specialists.


Thanks to cartoons, animation is often associated with content for kids. But animation is for people of all ages and themes. How can this benefit your business? For starters, creating an animated production may be cheaper than making a movie. 

Think about animation as a video, the frames of which were drawn by hand or created with a computer. They can be done in 3D or 2D. Animators use the stop motion technique, puppets, or even clay figures. Given the state of technology today and the endless creativity of humans, the sky is the limit with animation.  

Motion Illustrations And Graphics

In terms of the tools involved, a motion illustration is closer to animation than to a movie. The main difference in “motion graphic vs. animation” is that animation is a story with characters, while a motion graphic is a single moving view. It can be a shot of a character waving, for example or some moving shapes, which are a nice addition to a text, or a moving logo. The possibilities are endless.

How can you use video content in your business?

In addition to being more engaging than text, and easier to consumer videos also hit where it counts–consumer emotions. Appealing to your customers’ emotions can draw those customers closer to your brand. According to the University of Southern California, content based on emotions performed better than content based on rational thinking. 

Video Content And Search Engines

Youtube is the second largest search engine behind Google. This alone should convince you that video is a must-use format. But it’s not the end of reasons to create videos. 

Even though Google doesn’t show us what exactly affects the order in which pages are displayed, marketers clearly see the overlap between it and videos. According to Hubspot, 87% of video marketers say that video has increased traffic to their website. Besides, people spend more time on pages where videos appear. This is information for Google that these pages are worth showing, but it is also a benefit in itself. 

Video Content Supports Sales

47% of the video content companies create is explainers, which help customers as well as the companies themselves. According to Hubspot, 94% of marketers said that videos had helped increase user understanding of their product or service, and 43% reported that video had reduced the number of product support calls they received. 

The same article reports that 94% of respondents watch explainer videos to learn more about a product, while 84% of them decide to buy one. People may think that these statistics are related only to physical products, but they’d be wrong: Eight out of ten people say video had convinced them to download an app or software.

Video Content On Social Media

Right now, videos are the second most-used content type on social media, according to Hubspot. They drive sales both off- and online, and also enable companies to attract new customers on social media, a fact 93% of brands confirm. And it’s not only that people love watching videos, they also love sharing them. As Hubspot statistics bear out, people are twice as likely to share video than any other type of content. This means Facebook’s algorithms are also big behind-the-scenes fans of video, so the company tends to promote them.

This brings up a fairly new trend in video marketing in social media branding – User- Generated Content (the UGC). This kind of content is created by real product users, so customers see it as more authentic and trustworthy. As we read in the State of User-Generated Content 2021 Report, 75% of marketers believe that adding UGC makes brand content more authentic.

Motion Graphics In An App

You may think, “apps should be as simple as possible, there is no place for any motion design in mobile applications.” And while we wholeheartedly agree that minimalism is the best option, we also think that good motion graphics can be very simple, and using them need not burden design.

Motion graphics in a mobile application are not only a nice addition, but they can also create a more intuitive user interface. According to Craig Dehner, UI & Motion Designer and formerly a Human Interface team member at Apple “Motion tells stories. Everything in an app is a sequence, and motion is your guide. For every button clicked and screen transition, there is a story that follows”.

Motion Graphics And User Experience

Motion graphics can also improve the UX of your application or webpage. As Mr Dehner points out, motion graphics are like a guide, and this makes the user interface design more intuitive, which is very closely connected with the experience of your app’s users. 

With motion graphics in web design or an app, you can also communicate with your customer – for example, showing that a page is loading or data is sending or downloading. And a better understanding of what is happening improves the customer experience. The only one question remains, “how can I create motion graphics for websites?” Our design experts will be more than happy to answer that. 


A few years ago, the catchphrase at marketing events was “content is king.” It seems it still is, but it’s video content now wearing the crown. While the format may be a short film on youtube, video is much more, including animation and motion graphics of all stripes. And in a world where the videos are so popular, and people have grown so accustomed to watching them, it might be necessary to use more animations and motion graphics at every point of contact with a user. 

Tooploox has experience not only with creating videos and motion design but also with developing applications where the video is both the main character and the scenery. So if you are considering putting more motion in your product, don’t hesitate to contact us!